Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015!!

 We had one of the BEST halloweens ever this year! It was on a Saturday which meant we went up early and had all day to decorate and get everything perfect, hang out with family all day, and eat lots of good food. The boys were minions this year, and the cutest minions you've ever seen! I loved how they turned out! Though some minions were happier than others.

Waiting outside to start our trick or treating. (Witch, Minnie Mouse, Pre-Mike Meyers, Jake the Neverland Pirate, minions)

 The boys did so good trick or treating! Gavin got the hang of it so quick, and loved every minute. Towards the end his bag was getting too heavy for him but he still wouldn't let anyone hold it or help him at all, he just continued on dragging it.

 Kaden was such an amazing big brother, he waited for Gavin to climb down from all the stairs and made sure he got a candy at every door. They are just such good friends. These 3 boys are just so fun to have together.

 The finished product looked amazing this year, maybe the best yet. We had the graveyard, with lights, the lab table, hanging severed heads, singing pumpkins, dancing skeletons, the garage was closed off for adults only for some scary movies. It was fantastic! Thanks Dad for always putting forth so much energy and time packing, unpacking, decorating, take down. It is so fun and we all appreciate it so much. The kids are so lucky to have him as their grandpa. Man I love my family!
 This is how Gavin spent most of his evening, attached to ga-ga and dancing to skeletons. He had so much energy all night long. I love this fun loving little boy. Kaden spent most of his time in front of the singing pumpkins, he danced and flapped all night long. He has been waiting so long for this day, he just loves it so much and enjoys every second. I am one lucky mom.
Adam got to spend halloween with us this year, it was fun to see him for a few hours (he was here looking for a tux for he and Kiley's wedding in just a few weeks!) He got into the spirit of things as well :)

Some of my favorite people (minus Mike Meyers and skeleton) ever! I am so blessed for my family and for all the fun times we have together, so grateful my boys get to grow up with this fun tradition and fun memories that will last forever
HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!!

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