Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Gavin is 2!!!

 Well it happened, my baby turned 2! I can't believe it. We had a great day celebrating this sweet boy. He woke up to balloons all over the hallway, which he loved and played in for 20 minutes. We played all morning then met daddy for lunch at McDonald's. Kaden had preschool today so Gavin and I had some one on one time after naps and took advantage by jumping on our NEW TRAMPOLINE!

 Gavin had so much fun playing on the tramp all by himself. The boys love this new backyard addition!
 That night we had all our family up to celebrate. We ate hamburgers and hotdogs and lots of other yummy food. Then Gavin opened up his gifts, he was super spoiled.

 You can tell his cake is very homemade but he loved it, especially the m&m's and puppies :) He thoroughly enjoyed his cake, sweet boy loves chocolate!

Happy Birthday sweet Gavin boy! We love you so much. You are such a blessing to our family and bring so much energy and adventure to us every day. Here are some things about Gavin at 2:
-He is still getting used to his big boy bed, it is a trial to get him to sleep every night but we are crossing fingers he gets the stay in bed concept soon.
-He loves french fries, a boy after my own heart
-His favorite word to say is big, he says it all day about everything.
-He loves tractors and finds them every time we drive
-He is learning to talk so much, he tries to say everything and I'm getting good at understanding what he says most of the time, Kaden helps quite a bit.
-His very best friend in the world is Kaden, he wants to always be right by him and do everything he does.
-Favorite color is blue
-Loves to be outside to jump and swing, he could stay out there all day long
-Has quite the attitude if he doesn't get what he wants, he just lays on the floor with his face hidden and pouts.
So grateful to have this sweet boy in our family, I love him so very much, he is so dang cute. I'm so grateful to be a mom to these 2 amazing boys, they bring joy to my life everyday. Love you G-Unit!

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