Kaden and great grandpa Jensen
One of the songs that was sung at grandma's funeral was O My Father and the lyrics really sums up our life here and the joy we feel after.
"O my Father, thou that dwellest in the high and glorious place, when shall I regain thy presence and again behold thy face? In thy holy habitation, did my spirit once reside? In my first primeval childhood was I nurtured near thy side?
When I leave this frail existence, when I lay this mortal by, Father, Mother may I meet you in your royal courts on high? Then at length when I've completed all you sent me forth to do, with your mutual approbabtion, let me come and dwell with you."
I will miss my grandma Jensen dearly, she was the kindest woman I have ever known, constantly thinking of others right up until she took her last breath. I feel so blessed to have had her as my grandmother and can't wait to be reunited with her again, until then I know she is happy and loved where she is.
My other grandparents, on my mom's side, came out for the funeral so they got to meet Kaden as well. It's so neat to see him with all of my beloved family and watch for the first time as they are introduced.
Kaden and great grandma LaRae
Kaden and great grandpa Boom.
Something else Kaden learned, from his grandma and grandpa, is he LOVES to sleep in the regular bed. He would wake up every morning and lay in bed with my dad and talk and smile so big! This was the first time he actually would look at you and smile, what a fun new phase he is in now.
How grateful I am that Kaden and I were able to go on this trip. It was a hard but wonderful time for us all, something that will never be forgotten. I am also grateful that he and grandma Jensen got to meet each other before she was gone and we got pictures of that. Kaden was such a good boy the whole trip. He slept the entire car ride and would just wake up to eat and then get back in his carseat and all asleep again. He didn't cry the whole trip except when he was ready to eat and then when he did he was happy as could be again. I love this little guy and the joy he brings to our whole family and for the way I view life, he truly helped me learn the Lord's plan and have an even greater love for eternal families.
What a beautiful post! I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma, but I'm glad that Kaden and she got to meet before she passed on. That is definitely a memory you'll hold dear to your heart forever. :)
Rachel - so beautifully expressed! I'm so glad we got to spend such tender times together and enjoy little Kaden. I love you very much! ~ Cheryl
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