Friday, September 18, 2015

Huntington Beach

Paul worked it out to where he could visit a few clients in Huntington Beach while we were over there so we got free hotel and car rental. This ended up being extremely nice as it was hard to leave Disney Land, it was one more thing to look forward to before we had to come back to reality. We stayed at a super nice hotel right across from the ocean. The first day the boys and I just hung out and walked around the hotel for a few hours while Paul visited people. Then as soon as he got back we went to the beach. Kaden hadn't been since he was tiny and Gavin never had so it was like a first time for both. They LOVED it. Kaden especially loved the sand so very much. He played and played. His favorite was waiting til the water would start to come up to his toes then run fast before it reached him. I love sitting on the beach it just feels like life doesn't get any better. We played for awhile then changed and went to dinner down the pier.

The boys also had lots of fun feeding the fish in the mornings. The fish would suck on each other, the wall, you name it to find any possible food. 

Such a fun end to the perfect trip. I love my family so much, they are my greatest blessing and my biggest joy.

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