Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve!

 Christmas eve we did our Christmas program. Every family member prepared some kind of talent or story or song to share with the group. Paul shared a good story, complete with pictures from the laptop and our little family sang "Snowflakes falling of a Christmas Tree" to the tune of popcorn popping. Then all the kids sang Jingle Bells together. They did such a great job, I was a proud mama. It was a very enjoyable night focusing on the Lord's birth and why we celebrate Christmas. Gavin climbed up and snuggle with grandma Max which was a tender moment, they sure love that sweet grandma of theirs.


 Then we opened our Christmas jammies and put the kids to bed to set up for Christmas morning. It is always so fun to put out the kids santa gifts and get ready for their pure joy and excitement.

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