Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Gavin is 18 months!

 Gavin is now 1.5!! He is getting so funny. His personality is really coming out and he's so fun to be around. He loves his family, especially his brother. He follows Kaden around all day long. He is a total mama's boy. Lately we are attached at the hip. He sits right outside the shower doors while I shower, at my feet while I do my hair and makeup, and right next to my legs while I cook dinner. He loves to sit on my lap and watch his "shows" on my phone. He is a total snuggle boy. He loves to be rocked and sang to before bed. He is a happy boy for the most part but has a short temper and can throw a crazy fit when he wants to. He likes to do things on his own time and in his own way.  He's now big enough to face forward in the car so we went car seat shopping. We ended up getting the same as big brother's but the newer version. He loves to ride forward in the car. He doesn't ever cry anymore, just takes in the scenery and feels like a big boy like brother.

my sweet forward facing boys! I sure love these guys. He always wants to be just like brother.

4 year old checkup for Kaden. 18 month for Gavin
This boy loves to eat and every time I turn around he is helping himself in the pantry. Constantly with his arm in some crackers or cookies.

I took both boys to get their checkup on the same day. Kaden for his 4 year, Gavin for 18 months. They both did great and ran all around the room chasing each other. But then the shots came. I did Kaden first and he did not take it well. Cried and cried. Then once I got him calmed down somewhat it was Gavin's turn. Kaden started crying all over again cause he didn't want his brother to get a shot and be hurt like him. Gavin also cried and cried so the 3 of us just sat in the dr chair snuggling and crying for awhile. I hate shots for littles!

We love our Gavin Chase so very much! He brings so much spunk and playfulness to our family. The two boys are the very best of friends and I hope it always stays that way. They look out for each other and play together so well. So grateful to have this sweet baby in our family.

Gavin 18 months info:
He LOVES dogs and giggles every time he sees one (real or picture) Total mama's boy. Loves brother. Very attached to his pacifier and his snuggle blankies.
Favorite foods: yogurt, cheeseburgers, fries, pirate's booty
Favorite toy: whatever brother is playing with at the time :)
Loves to be outside, going to the park, running fast, and especially dancing.
words he says: mama, dada, kaden, doggie, baby, uh oh, wow, puppy, hi
So far does not like nursery, unless mom is in there playing with him and then he sits in her lap the whole time so she can't sneak out.

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