Friday, June 17, 2016

The Aquarium: Family Fun Day

The boys have been asking for a long time now when we could go back to the aquarium so we decided since Paul had Friday off it would be a perfect time to go.

 Kaden has been obsessed with sharks lately, thanks to a new phone game called "Shark Attack" and was so very excited to see this mouth of a megaladon!!
 These two snuggled like this everytime we watched the flood portion of the aquarium (which was Gavin's absolute favorite and we watched a dozen times or so.)

 Kaden's beloved shark! He flapped the whole time we were in this room. So glad we got to come when he loves sharks so much and we could see them in person.

 They also absolutely loved the sting rays. They both leaned over and touched them and then even fed them. They both did great holding the little fish the whole time until it sucked it out of them.
 After we walked through we used our groupon to eat at the aquarium restaurant. The food was not good but the mermaids came and did a show right by our table which was fun to watch. Gavin kept saying it was Ariel!

Such a fun day! I love this little family of mine so very much! My favorite thing is to spend the day with them and make fun memories together. I'm so blessed to be a mom and wife to these guys.

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