Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Plum Creek Trail

 We decided to walk (or drive in their tractor) the Plum Creek Trail tonight and it ended up being very fun and eventful.
 Kaden got to hold his first snake! One his daddy caught that was a tiny little baby we almost ran over with the tractor. He loved it, my brave boy.
 Then we went to the little stream to try our luck at catching little minnows. Paul was able to catch one little fish and gave it to Kaden to hold, which he did with his bare hands! I'm telling you this kid is just like his dad that way. He loves nature.

 They drove and rode in that little tractor the whole trail. Gavin holds on and is such a great passenger. I love seeing these two having fun together.

 After the trail we sat out on the open grass and ate a snack. The boys loved running up and down the hill as fast as their little legs could go. It was a beautiful night. So grateful to live on this wonderful earth!

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