Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

My sweet Kaden went to the Lowe's build and grow activity for this month and made me my very own flower box. He and Paul do this about every month, it is something they special they really enjoy doing together. 

 Here is the finished product, he was so proud of his accomplishment and for me to see it. He even helped his daddy pick out which flowers to put in it. I was thrilled, my favorite mother's day present by far!
My favorite boys in the world. I get to be a mom everyday to them and help them learn and grow and draw close to their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I truly find joy daily in my calling as mom. It is because of my amazing mom that I am the wife and mother I am today. She has taught me so much about love and faith, the ultimate example. I love her so dearly. She is truly one of my very greatest friends on this earth, thank you mom for everything you have done for me and continue to do for me today.

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