Monday, October 21, 2013

Gavin Chase Salley!

 Two long days after my due date I finally went into labor! I started having contractions at about 2:20am on Sunday Oct. 20th. They woke me up in the middle of the night but at first I thought it was nothing, didn't want to get my hopes up yet, so I waited to wake up Paul for a few more contractions. We timed them together for a half hour or so then called Jean so she could drive up and stay with Kaden at the house while we went to the hospital. We got all ready and packed, timed more contractions, and called the hospital and were sent to Sky Ridge. We got there at about 5am and got checked in, I was dialated to a 5 so I asked for my epidural right away. My parents and Jean got there not too long after because with Kaden I had gone really fast from a 5 to a 10. Unfortunately this time around took a little longer. So everyone went and had breakfast, I tried to rest, but was too excited and anxious so it didn't really work. Once I finally got to a 10 they realized that baby boy was posterior, facing up instead of down, so they wanted me to sit in different positions to try and get him to turn on his own. This was miserable since I was at a 10 and felt like I needed to push but my mom and Paul were good support and gave good encouragement. They finally turned little boy and I was ready to push! I thought this 2nd one would just slide right out and I would be a pro this time around, but not the was surprising what you forget between the first and second. But after a long time pushing it was all worth it.

  GAVIN CHASE SALLEY was born at 2:25pm October 20th. He weighed 8lbs. 11.5oz. and was 21in. long! A bigger boy than I thought he'd be. He was perfect! And had dark hair! I was so surprised after Kaden being completely bald and then light headed.
Paul got to cut the cord and I got to enjoy my first time holding my sweet baby Gavin.

Proud daddy holding Gavin for the fist time
Our whole hospital stay people commented on how big he was, but he looked pretty tiny to me.

 Randi brought Kaden to see him just a couple hours later, sporting his big brother shirt. He was so excited to come to the hospital. He even brought Gavin a baby boy balloon!

 He was so excited to see Gavin for the first time, he seemed to actually understand this was the baby that had been in mom's tummy all this time and was so happy to finally get to see him. He jumped around and flapped and screamed. He was so careful holding him and kissing his head. He is going to be the best big brother ever!

First picture of our family of 4!

Kaden and I had a picnic in my bed, good thing we left soon after cause a lot of crumbs were left :)
Kaden brought Gavin a little blue elephant he had picked out himself. So cute!

My 2 boys! I am one blessed mama. I love these 2 so much!
All dressed and ready to go home! Everyone at the hospital thought he was so cute in his pumpkin outfit!

 It was still a little strange to be able to just leave the hospital after they've been checking on you constantly. We left the hospital on Monday evening, we were ready to get home to Kaden and get a good night's sleep in our own bed, good thing we had mom to stay with us and take care of us there.
We love this new little sweet edition to our family, we couldn't be happier with our 2 boys, they are going to be such great buddies. We love you Gavin Chase, so grateful we have you in our family now, we are so excited to just love on you and snuggle you all day long!

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