We are taking our first big vacation with just our little family and we are going to California! We’re going to show the kids the beach, Sea World, and Disney Land. I couldn’t be more excited!
We had to get up way early for our flight. We didn’t tell the kids we were going until the morning of. We woke them up at 4am and said guys we’re going to Disneyland! Kaden and Gavin didn’t believe us at first but were over the moon excited once it finally settled in. They did such a good job getting ready that early in the morning. And all 3 were amazing on the flight over there.
We for course had to stop for In-N-Out once we got there because we were all starving and it is delicious! They had fun trying on the hats and coloring while we waited and everyone loved the food!
Then it was on to the beach! The waves crashing against the rocks were amazing and the boys got so excited and clapped and clapped every time it happened.
Rigby loved the sand and played so nicely in it. He never tried to eat it but ended up getting some in his eyes and then crying lots, I had no towel to wipe it off and then I had no key to get back into our gate at our hotel. It ended up being a bummer. But you win some you lose some right?
The boys had so much fun running from the waves with Paul and playing in the sand. Gavin face planted into the sand and salty water at one point and didn’t think it was as fun.
The first night there was a little harder than we had imagined. First, the van we rented started to smell like rotten fish by the time we drove the hour to our hotel. Paul had to drive it all the way back to trade it in while I waited at the hotel with the kids. Then we had a later dinner than we planned and then couldn’t find a great place to take all the kids, everything was just a bar on the beach. When we finally chose one and ordered our food, we sat Rigby in the high chair to eat and before we knew it he had wriggled himself down til his head got stuck where your feet go, there was no hook between his legs to keep him from falling through. We pulled and pulled to get him out but he was lodged in there tight. The boys were all crying and Paul was cursing and asking for a screw driver to take the chair apart when a cowboy from the other table came over, grabbed Rigby by the shoulders and jerked him out hard. He did end up coming out finally but was very upset, as were we all by then. I’m just glad it didn’t pull his arm out of the socket. We were all ready to just get back to our room and go to bed after this and try for a better day tomorrow.
The next day was Sea World! It was so much cooler than I remembered. They have little fish at the entrance that will suck on your finger when you hold it still. It was so tickly.
The kids loved the rides, we took turns riding with the big boys.
We found a store that had Mario and Luigi. We won Luigi and tried for a long time for Mario but never actually got him. Maybe next time.
The Shamu show was of course AMAZING! The kids hardly ever blinked. Their faces watching such a huge animal jump out of the water and do tricks with humans was worth every penny. It’s just so crazy!
Later that night we visited the San Diego Temple. It is so beautiful! It was a super nice night so we walked around and checked it out and took pictures.
The hotel didn’t have a bathtub, just a shower so Rigby had to use the sink.
The boys sure were exhausted every night.
We collected seashells on our way to Anaheim the next day. The boys loved it, we found tons under the pier and had fun running all along the beach. Man the beach is the best! So glad we got to take the boys to experience it.
Now on to DisneyLand!