Sunday, October 16, 2016

More Fun Family Time

This baby boy sure LOVES his blankies!
We had a great time all getting together at Randi's house. Rigby got some good snuggles from everyone.

 Can 't believe this happened already! 1 Month old!

 This kid is such a goof. I love his different facial expressions, he makes life so much more enjoyable and entertaining.

Went to a cool pumpkin patch this year. The boys loved it, as they do all things relating to halloween.

 Face painting was something Gavin really wanted to do but once they started putting it on he freaked out and cried and cried. Once he was finally done and we showed him the picture and how cool it looked on his face he thought it was a little better.
They had fun little carnival games for kids that the boys tried out and enjoyed getting little prizes.

 Got to pick pumpkins, of course we had to get a baby one for Riggs.

 Look how handsome this guy is! He is growing up so fast and is such a good boy.

 We waited in line to ride the ponies because that was something the boys really wanted to do and they thought it was definitely worth it.

 Rigby was such a good boy riding in the stroller some of the time and the lille baby some times. He is just so easy to take places, such a good baby.

 LOVE this family of mine and our fun adventures together.

We also went to a fun event in Castle Rock, they brought every kind of truck and construction vehicles you can think of.

They got to sit in an ambulance which they loved. We waited in line to see inside the flight for life helicopter but just before we got in they got called to an emergency which ended up being pretty cool for us because we got to see it take off, it was cool but very windy.    

 The boys driving a school bus, neither had ever been on one before and thought it was pretty cool, Kaden especially because he will be going on his first field trip soon and get to ride a bus there.

 Big boys got some sweet new Mario jammies from grandma, they love all things Mario nowadays, it's so fun that something I loved when I was little is making a huge comeback and my own kids now love it too. Kaden and I have a great time playing wii and super nintendo together.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Rigby’s blessing day!

Our sweet boy was blessed today by his daddy. Paul did a great job and gave Rigby a beautiful blessing. Rigs did such a great job and didn’t make a peep the whole time. He is such a good, easy going baby. He just fits so perfectly with our family like he’s been here forever. We love him so much. After his blessing we all went to our house and had a waffle bar. It’s so nice having family close and sharing in these special times all together. 

Boy do I love these boys! They are the best and just make me so happy and grateful. I am truly blessed!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Enjoying Family Time

Paul gets 6 weeks of paternity leave so we are thoroughly enjoying our time together as a family of 5!

 Kaden had to make a box for school to put all his popcorn word books in. You could pick any theme you wanted and decorate it however you want, of course he decided to decorate it like Halloween (his all time favorite holiday.) He was nice and let Gavin help him put some stickers on. It turned out pretty cool.

 We had a lot of lazy mornings, lounging in our jammies, playing ipad, snuggling Rigby and being silly.

 Broncos Boys!

 Gavin climbed up onto my lap and fell asleep one day, which is very unusual nowadays so I took full advantage of just sitting and snuggling this sweet boy up for as long as I could. He has the cutest face ever, I could just kiss it and stare at it all day long. Such a fun age he's at right now, learning so much and wanting to be big but still pretty little :)
 Lots of brotherly snuggles. Rigby fits right in being besties with his big bros!

 Rigby also got to meet Lindsy and Camry. We love them like family so it was a fun day to get to have all the kids together and for them to hold Rigby and get to know him. The boys loved having Camry around, we enjoyed having some pink in the house.

 I love me some fresh babies. My favorite smell!

 We decided to venture out to the zoo while Paul was still home and could go with us. It was nice to get out of the house on a nice day. The boys had a great time. I love little boys in short pants!

 Always have to ride the carousel, their favorite at the zoo.

 Being a mom of 3 has been easier than I thought, Rigby is so easy going and laid back, the big boys are so good and accepting and loving. It has been a great transition for everyone, I hope it continues this way. We are just thoroughly enjoying this fun stage of life.